
E-Sign Form

Personal Information

Telephone Contact and Texting Consent

By checking this box, you are confirming that you are the named individual on this account and are authorized to review and discuss any personal information contained in the account. You agree that LJ Ross Associates may from time to time make calls and/or send text messages to you at any telephone number associated with your account, including wireless telephone numbers that could result in charges to you. You hereby confirm that any phone number(s) you provide belong to you. The manner in which these calls or text messages are made to you may include, but is not limited to, the use of prerecorded/artificial voice messages or text messages. These contact attempts may be dialed with an Automatic Telephone Dialing System (ATDS).

Email Consent

You agree that LJ Ross Associates may send emails to you at any email address you provide us or use other electronic means of communication to the extent permitted by law. You agree and acknowledge that any email address or any other electronic address that you provide is your private address and is not accessible to unauthorized third parties. I affirm that the email address I have provided was not provided to me by my employer. You agree and acknowledge that you have requested that we send the document(s) you have requested to you at the email address you have provided. Consent may be revoked at any time and by any reasonable means.


This E-SIGN Consent Agreement (“Agreement”) allows us to provide you with electronic versions of important notices and documents associated with account(s) at L J Ross Associates, Inc. (“L J Ross”). Certain laws and regulations require us to provide notices and disclosures to you in “writing” (traditionally this is defined as a paper notice); with your consent, the E-SIGN Act allows us to provide these document(s) to you electronically.

Definitions. The words “we,” “our,” and “us” mean L J Ross, affiliates, successors, and assigns. The words “you” and “your” mean each consumer and anyone else with access to an account. “Access Device” means any electronic device you use to access your account and view electronic documents. This includes but is not limited to: a traditional computer such as a desktop or laptop computer; or a mobile device such as a tablet computer or a smartphone.

Scope of this Agreement. This Agreement applies to all communications, disclosures, and notices related to accounts placed with L J Ross. This consent will remain effective until expressly withdrawn by you. Your consent does not mean that we must provide documents electronically but instead that we may deliver some, or all, of those documents electronically.

System Requirements. By consenting to this agreement, you confirm that your Access Device meets the minimum specifications and requirements necessary to view and retain your electronic documents. To access your electronic documents on a mobile device, you will need: A mobile device with any of the following operating systems: Android or iOS (iPhone). A data plan provided by your wireless carrier and an up-to-date mobile internet browser that is compatible with, and supported by, your operating system (e.g., Chrome or Safari). If you wish to view .pdf files on your mobile device, you will need software that accurately reads and displays .pdf files. A printer and/or storage device if you wish to print or retain any electronic documents. To access your electronic documents on a traditional computer, you will need: A computer with any of the following operating systems: Windows XP or higher, OS X (Apple Macintosh) or higher. An internet connection and an up-to-date internet browser that is compatible with, and supported by, your operating system. Software that accurately reads and displays .pdf files. A printer and/or storage device if you wish to print or retain any electronic documents.

Changes to system requirements. We will notify you if our hardware or software requirements change and whether that change creates a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain your electronic documents. Continuing to use the payment portal website after receiving notice of the change is the reaffirmation of your consent to this change. If such changes to the system requirements create a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain your electronic documents you may withdraw your consent under this agreement without the imposition of any fees.

Email Address/Mobile Number. If you provide us with your consent through the online portal to use your personal email address for email communications or your mobile number for text messages, you agree to maintain a valid email/mobile number so that we may contact you regarding the account and to notify us of any changes to your email address/mobile number. You may update your email address/mobile number by contacting us at 1-844-348-1739 or our website at www.ljross.com.

Your Right to Receive Paper Copies. You may obtain a copy of any document or communication in paper form in addition to your access to the document or communication in electronic form at any time upon request by calling us at 1-844-348-1739.

Withdrawal of Your Consent. You may withdraw your consent to this Agreement at any time. To withdraw your consent prior to proceeding, simply exit this session prior to accepting this Agreement. To withdraw your consent at any other time, you must call us at 1-844-348-1739. If you withdraw your consent to this Agreement, you will no longer receive the electronic presentment of any documents or have the ability to make payments online.

Multiple Access Devices. Your acceptance of this agreement on one Access Device constitutes your acceptance on all Access Devices you use. For example, if you view and accept this agreement on a mobile device, the terms of this Agreement will apply to electronic documents accessed on a traditional computer (or vice versa). Additionally, by viewing and accepting this agreement on any Access Device, you are reasonably demonstrating your ability to access and view electronic documents in the format that the services are provided on that Access Device and all subsequent Access Devices. If you change Access Devices (or use multiple Access Devices), it is your responsibility to ensure that the new Access Device meets the applicable system requirements and that you are still able to access and view electronic documents on the subsequent Access Device. Continuing your application on other Access Devices is your reaffirmation of this Agreement.

Termination, Changes and Other Terms. L J Ross reserves the right, with or without cause, to suspend or discontinue the provision of electronic communications to you. We also may add to, delete, or change the terms of this Agreement. We will provide you with notice of any termination or change as required by law.

Acceptance. You will be asked to acknowledge your acceptance of these terms by clicking “Agree” before you are able to continue. In doing so, you are confirming that you meet the system requirements described above, that you have demonstrated your ability to receive, retain, and view electronic documents on your Access Device, and consenting to receive communications electronically as described above.